For the business owner who worries about sounding too salesy every time she sits down to write anything for her business…
What if you could stop second-guessing every single sentence word you write for your business?

You love creating new products for your business, 

but when it comes to actually having to sell them…. Ugh. 


Why can’t writing, “This thing is super awesome, I worked really hard on it, and I know you’ll love it,” be enough to have your stuff flying off the {virtual} shelves? 

Spoiler alert: It’s *not* because you’re a terrible writer or that your product actually stinks and everyone secretly hates it (promise!).

You've tried...

Slapping words up on your sales page, product description, or social media post and hoping it would be good enough to get some sales (only to be followed by *crickets*)

Filling in the blanks on generic templates promising to make you 6-figures in 6 minutes (ummm no thanks, bro)

Listening to all of the marketing podcasts, virtual summits, and YouTube videos you can find, only to find yourself totally lost when you have to actually write the stuff to make these principles work (but they made it sound so easy!)

I’m here to tell you it’s not your fault.

While everyone else is out there telling you to just fill in the blanks on a template or to use your audience’s pain points to make them feel like a failure if they don’t buy your product...

I use my proprietary Connect + Convert Framework to teach you how to connect with your audience in an authentic way, and then convert them into buyers and raving fans. 

Because we don’t do sleazy marketing tactics around here. There is always a better way.

And I'm here to show it to you!

Hi there, I’m Andrea—
a coffee-obsessed military wife, mama to littles, and your new copywriter BFF.

I used to think I hated writing sales copy, but then I realized I hated writing salesy sales copy. It felt so forced and inauthentic, even when I followed what the “experts” said to do. 
But I’ve always loved connecting with new people and chatting about everything under the sun… and then I finally realized that I could just write to people the same way I talk with them (even down to the emojis and Schitt’s Creek memes). 
So if you’ve been looking for a cozy spot on the Internet where you can learn how to sell your awesome stuff to people without feeling weird about it (and connect with other entrepreneurs who want to do the same thing), you’ve found it!

The Creative Copy Club Membership
The monthly membership for entrepreneurs looking to
write better sales and marketing copy
that connects with their audience and converts them
into buyers and raving fans.
This isn't just your average template membership...
Inside the membership, you’ll learn how to:

Banish that blinking cursor

...once and for all {because staring at a blank screen to start is the  worst, right?!}.


...everything you write {former overthinkers anonymous president here... you’re in good hands!}.

authentic copy

...that is true to you and connects with your audience {we don’t do sleazy sales tactics here!}.

Save time

...with our workbooks, templates, and growing resource library {I told you, no blank screens allowed!}

Here's What's Inside the Membership:
Instant Access to the Copy Template Vault

Full of easy-to-use templates, you can finally stop overthinking and get your copy published!


The Digital Product Sales Page Formula with ChatGPT Prompts 

The Membership Sales Page Template 

Tripwire Sales Page Template

Thank You Page Templates

About Page Template 

Freebie Opt-In Template 

Lead Magnet Template Duo (copy template + Canva template) 

Challenge Opt-In Template 

Static Instagram Grid Copy Template 

Contact Page Templates (Set of 9)  

Black Friday Lifesaver Templates

Waitlist Opt-In Template

Copywriting Formula Templates + Prompts

Headline Formulas

Social Media Post Prompts

Product Description + Checkout Page Template

...and more added monthly!

Our Entire {Growing} Workshop Library


Ditch the Ick: How to Write Awesome (Non-Sleazy) Sales Copy 

Landing Page Copy + Email Automation with Emilee Mason 

Crafting an Effective Sales Page: Quick Breakdown

How to Create a Simple Sales Page Using ChatGPT 

Using ChatGPT The RIGHT Way Workshop 

The Connect + Convert Framework Overview 

The Creative Copy Club Success Path Video Series

All About Headlines 

Creating a Static Instagram Grid 

The "All About YOU" Workshop 

The Power of Personalization Using ChatGPT 

All About Lead Magnets with Emilee Mason 

The Thank You Page Challenge 

10 Ways to Make Sales WITHOUT Discounting Your Stuff 

Level-up Your Sales Page With ChatGPT 

Copywriting Formulas Workshop

How to Edit the AI Out of Your Copy

Juicy Tip for Writing Better Copy

All About Funnels

Selling Without Being Salesy

...with more workshops added monthly!

But wait, there's more! 

(You read that in a TV commercial announcer's voice, right?!)

A Monthly Copy Review Call

Get my eyes on your copy every month during our copy review calls! Members can submit whatever they are working on and get feedback and suggestions from a professional copywriter 

(aka ME!).

VALUE: $350

Not only will you get these
templates and trainings...
But here’s what truly sets this membership apart:

Exclusive training on the Creative Copy Club Success Path designed to help you maximize your results as quickly as possible

A growing resource library filled with worksheets, templates, checklists, and more, with new value-soaked resources loaded monthly

A community of like-minded entrepreneurs who you can network, collaborate, and grow with so that you don't have to be on this journey alone

Video training vault with instant access to all of my past workshops + new workshops loaded monthly so you can jump right in and get started ASAP

And to make sure you’re ready to hit the ground running,
You’ll get these BONUS resources as soon as you sign up…
The New Product Launch Buzz-Building Toolkit

Everything you need to build a buzz for your next product launch ...WITHOUT spending hours and hours creating promotional materials from scratch! 

($53 value)


Fill-in-the-blank copy templates to help you write social posts and emails without feeling spammy or salesy

Corresponding customizable social media graphics Canva template

Email subject line swipe file

The Stop Writer’s Block Action Pack

This is a collection of five eBooks with 272 ideas to inspire you when you just don’t know what to write. Think of it as your own personal idea file that you can scroll through any time you need a quick injection of inspiration. 

($70 value)


Write Blog Posts That Sell 

10 Blog Posts in 10 Minutes 

101 Lead Magnet Ideas 

50 Social Post Ideas 

101 Subject Lines

The Click-Worthy Buttons Bundle

Creating high-converting buttons requires two key ingredients: the right aesthetic and the right copy. This bundle will help you with both so you'll never have to write "subscribe for updates" on a button again!

($12 value)


12 unique button styles (delivered as PNG images)

 15 different phrases on each button style (for a total of 180 buttons!) 

My best tips and tricks to get more clicks

Let’s make sure you’re in the perfect spot to benefit from everything inside the Creative Copy Club…

You are tired of struggling to figure out where to start when it comes to writing for your website, email, product descriptions, and sales pages.

You are willing to put in some time and elbow grease to learn how to improve your sales and marketing messaging. {Rather have it all done for you? I can help you with that too, just not here.}

You want to feel confident knowing that the words you write will connect with your audience and convert them into raving fans and buyers.

You want to expand your sales and marketing efforts beyond just social media posts and discover how to incorporate other forms of writing in your business.

You already have a business that you’re working on and want to improve it {if you’re starting from scratch, bookmark this page and then come back once you’ve got it going!}

You are an action-taker who is ready to dive in and learn as you go {this isn’t the place for watch-all-the-trainings-and-never-actually-do-anything kind of people.}

If you can relate to most of these , then you’re in the right place!
And don’t worry, I’ll help you at every step along the way.


The Creative Copy Club Promise

This membership is for you, not for me. 

That’s why I promise to always serve up high-quality, valuable information to help you level up everything you write for your business. As a member, you’ll have every opportunity to tell me what you need, and I will do my best to create relevant trainings and resources for your needs and that of our entire community! 

As soon as you hit that “buy” button, you’ve got instant access to everything inside the membership, and everything that gets added for as long as you remain a member. Because you get access right away, there are no refunds for cancellation. 

But you’re also not stuck! If the Creative Copy Club isn’t the right fit for you, you can cancel your membership at any time. No hard feelings, promise!

Meet Your New Copywriter BFF

Grab a cup of coffee with me and let's talk copy.

Hi, I'm Andrea!
I’m a conversion copywriter with a degree in Brain, Behavior, and Cognitive Science, and I’m a lifelong word nerd. 

I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit, and as I tried to find my “thing” in the online space, I took tons of courses searching for the secret to business success before I realized I already had the skill to do most of it (enter: copywriting). 

And then, because I can’t do anything halfway (#TypeAperfectionist), I studied all of the copywriting theory and behavioral psychology so you don’t have to.

That’s really good news for you because the Creative Copy Club was born from my desire to fill the world with more authentic, feel-good copy and arm entrepreneurs with the essentials to do just that. 
As seen on:

You've got questions? I've got answers!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I’m super busy already—how much time do I need to devote to this?
    Same, same! Seriously, who isn’t too busy to even think these days? The cool thing about the Creative Copy Club membership is that you can spend as much or as little time inside as you want. You can log in, watch a video, grab a few resources, and be on your way, or you can cozy up and binge everything—it’s up to you!

    New content will be added monthly, so the value is always increasing, and the tools and resources are there when you need them!

    There will be a live Q + A call via Zoom every month, and it will usually run about an hour or so. If you can’t join us live, you’ll be able to pre-submit a question for me to answer, and the replay will be available inside the membership within 24 hours of the call.

    Platinum members will also have access to copy review videos and can submit one piece of copy per week for video feedback as well.
  • I’ve been in template memberships before… how is this different?
    Well, for starters, this isn’t a template membership. While you will have access to copywriting templates galore, I believe in teaching you how to actually write better, not how to improve your Mad Lib skills.

    But I also don’t believe in staring at blank screens, which is why everything I create for the membership is focused on helping you get started on the right foot. So don’t worry; while there will be plenty of templates inside the membership, you’ll also gain the skills you need to go beyond templates.
  • I’m already a pretty good writer; will this still help me?
    Honestly, it depends! This membership isn’t for copywriters who want to hone their skills; it’s for entrepreneurs who want to write better copy without a. hiring a copywriter or b. becoming one. So if you’re super confident in writing sales and marketing copy that converts, you probably don’t need this.

    But if you find yourself constantly second-guessing everything you write, feeling like you have no idea what you’re doing or where to start, or wishing you had a copywriter on speed dial, then come on in!
  • Will you review and give feedback on my {sales page, email, social media post, product description, etc}?
    YES!!! As of May 1, 2024, every member who joins the Creative Copy Club will be able to submit one piece of copy for me to review each month! This is a brand new feature of the membership and I'm so excited to make these copy reviews accessible to everyone.
  • Do I have to go through the content on a certain schedule?
    Not at all! As a member, you’ll have instant access to the core/foundational content, and you can go through it whenever you want.

    The Creative Copy Club Success Path is a roadmap to the membership and will help you decide where to focus your time and attention to drive the biggest results.

    While the core content is self-paced, I also offer training sessions (with replays available) and monthly copy review calls for members, so you’ll have the support you need as you go along!
  • I don’t have a business yet; will this help me?
    The Creative Copy Club is designed for entrepreneurs who are already in business, but you’re welcome to join at any stage in the process! I do recommend that you already have your business foundations in place, though, because we won’t address how to start a business here.
  • Can I cancel my membership?
    Absolutely! You can cancel at any time.

    Because you get access right away, there are no refunds for cancellation. But you’re also not stuck! If the Creative Copy Club isn’t the right fit for you, you can cancel your membership at any time. No hard feelings, promise!
  • Is there a guarantee?
    I can promise you that I will show up and deliver all of the great content, resources, and trainings I’ve been going on about on this page, but your specific results will depend on you showing up, asking questions, and doing the work.

    As a member, you’ll have every opportunity to tell me what you need, and I will do my best to create relevant trainings and resources for your needs and that of our entire community! 

    As soon as you hit that “buy” button, you’ve got instant access to everything inside the membership, and everything that gets added for as long as you remain a member.
Alright, friend, we’re almost at the bottom of this page...

But before you go, I want to let you know that whether or not you decide to join me inside the Creative Copy Club membership, I’m cheering for you. 

The fact that you’ve read this far tells me that you’re seriously interested in learning how to write better sales and marketing messages that connect with your audience and convert them into buyers and fans, without the sleazy bro-marketing. 

And the world needs more big-hearted entrepreneurs like you! 

So if you’re ready to link arms and drop the overthinking struggle every time you sit down to write something for your business, I’m here for you! Let’s do this thing together. 

See you on the inside!

Here’s a quick recap of everything included:

Copy Template Vault

Video Training Library

Monthly Workshops

*NEW* Monthly Copy Review Calls (Value $350)

Growing resource library (templates, workbooks, checklists, and more!)

BONUS: The New Product Launch Buzz-Building Toolkit (Value $53)

BONUS: The Stop Writer’s Block Action Pack (Value $70)

BONUS: Click-worthy Buttons Bundle (Value $12)

Just $27/month!
*Get 2 months FREE with our annual plan*
Let's drop the struggle and start writing feel-good copy together!
"Andrea helped transform my sales page from embarrassing to exciting!"
I had the pleasure of Andrea working on my sales page during a live copy review, and I couldn't be happier with the results. While she was walking through it, line by line, she provided me with a lot of helpful tidbits and ways to reword a few things to make them more impactful. Andrea's expertise in copywriting was invaluable, and she provided me with direct, actionable feedback that helped me transform my sales page from something I was embarrassed to share to something I am excited to promote.
~ Beth Ann, Founder of
Get Instant Access to the Creative Copy Club:
Sign Up Below!
Get 2 months FREE with our annual plan!

Pick your plan and let's get writing without all the second-guessing and overthinking!

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  • Preferred option
    Subscription ($27.00/month)$27.00/mo
  • Preferred option
    Annual payment ($270.00)$270.00/yr

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xCreative Copy Club Membership$0

All prices in USD